Safer and greener roads - MARBEN V2X Technology

ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) are support systems for an efficient and safe use of transport infrastructures. Existing road ITS and driving assistance systems already increase road safety, reduce environmental impact or improve traffic management but additional benefits will come from sharing real-time mobility information between vehicles and vehicles (V2V), between vehicles and road infrastructures (V2I), between vehicles and pedestrians (V2P) or more generally between Vehicle-to-everything (V2X).
Relying on DSRC IEEE 802.11p or 5G technologies, MARBEN V2X allows vehicles to detect potential hazards on the road in situation where the existing in-vehicles sensors such as video cameras, radars or lidars cannot. MARBEN V2X allows vehicles to get knowledge of upcoming hazards or traffic conditions that are out of sight. MARBEN V2X significantly increases road safety, optimizes traffic and contributes to greener mobility.
MARBEN Vehicle-to-everything (V2X): The full-featured Software Solution
Dedicated to automotive and road infrastructure equipment manufacturers, MARBEN V2X offers a complete ready-to-use software solution that will dramatically accelerates the development and the integration of V2X On-Board and Roadside units.
Supported V2X Applications for safer roads
Stationary Vehicle
Adverse Weather Warning
Roadwork and Advanced Roadwork
Emergency Electronic Brake Lights
Traffic Condition
Human Presence on the Road
In Vehicle Signage
Variable Message Sign
Pedestrian/VRU Crash Avoidance
Wrong Way Driving
Control Loss Warning
Vehicle Signal Priority/Emergency Vehicle Pre-empt
Stop Sign Violation Warning
Blind Spot Warning
Lane Change Warning
Intersection Movement Assist
Left Turn Assist
Do Not Pass Warning
Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory
Curve Speed Warning
Icy Road Warning
Red Light Violation Warning
Abnormal Vehicle Warning
Speed Limit Warning
V2X Application Main Features

Full Support of US, EU and Chines V2X Standards
MARBEN V2X fully conforms to the latest versions of the US (SAE/IEE), European (ETSI) or Chinese (CSAE) V2X standards.

Easy-to-use SDK
MARBEN V2X offers user-friendly C++ APIs for a rapid development of new V2X applications.

Security and privacy management
MARBEN V2X supports security and privacy management as specified in IEEE 1609.2, in ETSI TS 103 097 or in CCSA SCMS standards. It also supports US SCMS, Chinese SCMS and European PKI.

Efficient and Scalable
Fully scalable to take advantage of multi-core processor architectures, MARBEN V2X is ready for V2X mass deployments.

Flexible and Modular
MARBEN V2X relies on a generic framework that has been designed to implement protocols in a portable and flexible way.

Hardware and Network agnostic
MARBEN V2X is hardware (CPUs, chipsets, HSM), network (802.11p, LTE-V2X, 5G, etc.) agnostic. It can run on most of the available operating systems including Linux, PikeOS, QNX, ThreadX or Android but also in Autosar environment.

Proven Interoperability
Successful participation in V2X interoperability events (US plugfests and Europe plugtests) and field operational tests (FOTs). In-Vehicle testing for all software modules for production readiness accuracy.

Automotive Grade
MARBEN V2X conforms to MISRA C++ coding rules and is Automotive SPICE Compliant.
Modular Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) Architecture
Both Chinese, E.U., U.S. V2X protocols and V2X applications are supported. MARBEN V2X software can be configured to support only one profile such as for instance Chinese profile, to support two profiles such as for instance Chinese and US profiles or to support all profiles. The choice of the profile to run will be dynamically done at run time.